Instant Terra 2.5

Add roads to a terrain

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Define the locations of your roads and adapt the terrain accordingly


The new Road node is used to lay roads on the terrain: the relief is deformed to adapt to the position of the roads and ensure a horizontal section along the entire length of the road.

The Road node exists in two versions.
Both apply the same deformation to the terrain.

road node
colored road node

This is the basic Road node, deforming the terrain at the position of the roads.

This is the Colored road node, which positions and colors the roads on the terrain.

Build your road network

New nodes available to help you build your road network

road network
Roads are built from any input mask, including painted masks.
Two new mask generators are most helpful:
  • Line: generates a mask in the shape of a line
  • Arc: generates a mask in the shape of an arc of a circle

Combine them to design a full network!

arc and line

Chain lines and arcs

You can easily chain lines and arcs so that when you move a part of the network, you also move any dependent part.
This is demonstrated in the new sample: Use case – Road, which uses components from our library.
The project is available from the Help > Samples menu.

chain lines and arc