Profane by Insane
The website wrote an article about INSANE using Instant Terra for their ambitious project “PROFANE”.
The website wrote an article about INSANE using Instant Terra for their ambitious project “PROFANE”.
Instant Terra 2.4.5 available.
Interactive tutorials – Mask from color
DFM Rendering has published some news about Instant Terra’s last release.
Combine the best out of Instant Terra & Houdini’s power for your terrains
New erosion nodes for a wider range of results. Thermal erosion multi-scale erosion, and mountain aging effect.
Creating terrains in Unreal Engine has never been so easy! Compatible with UE 4.26, UE 4.27 Preview, and UE 5 Early Access Select your version and download the plugin Initialize your terrain in Unreal Engine.Edit your terrain in Instant Terra and define the different layers you need.In one click, terrain and layers are ready in Unreal Engine.It’s that simple!